

How to add a new language to Renault clip diagnostic software

This is how to add a new language to RenaultCAN CLiP software (newest version: CLIP V168). Renault clip diagnostic software needs the Serbian or Croatian language.

This is installation of renault clip on the Serbian or Croatian language.

In Renualt CLIP program, the description has Serbian Croatian Russian..... etc languages, and there are the Serbian or Croatian language files on the disc

So, how to installrenault clip on the Serbian or Croatian language?

The solution is in XP, Control Panel, Region and Language options, Regio Format set to Croatian, Home Location set to Croatian, at Tab Administrative, set Current system locale to Croatia, restart your PC and try install and you will see you have now Croatian language for choosing at installation 

If you have the next message: "The current clip language is not supported by this version of the CD. To install this CD you must first uninstall the current version.
End of processing."

The solution is- Try to make system restore before you tryed to install Clip
Than, make a region and language settings to Croatian and after that try to install, If you cant do that,install on language that it asks,probably EN, than uninstall, CHANGE REGIONAL SETTINGS to Croatian and than try again.

That is, just change your settings in your PC to local language. (Croation or Serbian)

Now, Renaultcan clip diagnostic interface can be used in English, German, Danish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, Romania, Swedish, Croation andSerbian.

Hope i helped you, and have a nice day.

