

How to update Renault CAN CLIP V166 Windows XP

RenaultCAN CLIP V166 update successfully on the XP system! This is the test report of Renault CLIP v166, via professionals working for http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/

Free download Renault CAN CLIP V166:
Try on your own risk!

Renault CLIP V166 software test report... Here you go.

CLIP V166 is tested on a Dell D630 laptop running Windows XP

For old Renault cars (the 1996 year around):
CAN CLIP V166 working perfectly!

For new Renault cars:
The message shown as below may pop up before diagnosis. Just click on OK and go to vehicle diagnosis.
Configuration problem - vehicle
Vehicle configuration unknown: check the computers which have not been detected or recognised.

To avoid this issue with new cars, you can use the tested version- CAN CLIP V165 for Renault:

CAN CLIP V165 diagnostic interface test report:
Obdii diagnosis…… 100% OK
Ecu reprogramming…..OK

WORKING OK with 3 versions of china clones tested, incl.
Renault can clip the best-quality version (no communication issues)

