

How Renault CAN CLiP Software Work with Nissan Consult III Adapter?

Test report: Nissan consult 3 interface can run with Renault CAN CLiP software and to diagnose program Renault cars .

If that is recognized as VI alliance by drivers this will work with Clip and Consult too
I’d say that there is very high chance of success.

Nissan consult 3 can work with Nissan and Renault cars, while there is only Nissan software come with the interface, you need to buy Renault software extra

Do not but the ones flying around with the WHITE < <16 PIN CONNECTOR.
As regards programming, I'm unsure because I never tested, However there are can clip interfaces that are alliance B and they work fine.

Look at this diagram:

Let's enlarge this 2-in one interface:

In working:

CAN Clip V170 Plus Nissan Consult 3 2 in 1 on sale:

EOBDTOOL official blog:

